1st term theme: FORESTS

Voluntary project in pairs or individually: Read about forests on your Blog or find different information on the internet or in books to make a poster about FORESTS: Put a title, pictures and descriptions.
Some important words to do with forests:
tree trunk, to plant, to grow, to cut down

huge: very, very big
northern: in the north 
bare: without clothing or covering
wood: a hard material we get from tree trunks

 planks: long flat pieces of wood
furniture: tables, chairs, cupboards and shelves 
Now read about forests:

Coniferous forests: 
Coniferoous forests are forests where mainly pine and fir trees grow. These trees have cones and needles instead of leaves. Coniferous trees grow well in cold countries. 
This is a pine cone.

Huge coniferous forests cover the land near the Arctic Cicle. Beavers, bears, wolves and caribou live in coniferous forests in northern Asia, Europe and North America.
This is a caribou in northern Canada.
(Grammar Review:
Remember the Present Continuous Tense? This tree is growing in a forest.
                                                                     These trees are growing in forests.)
Deciduous forests:
Deciduous forests have trees with broad, flat leaves. Deciduous trees grow well in countries that are not very hot in summer and not very cold in winter.
These are deciduous leaves.
In autumn, the green leaves on deciduous trees change colour and become yellow, red or brown. Then the leaves fall off the trees. The trees are bare all winter. New leaves grow on the trees in spring.

Using coniferous trees:
People cut down trees so they can use the wood. We cut wood from coniferous trees into planks. It is used to build the frames of houses, as well as doors and furniture.

These are planks.
We use wood from coniferous trees to make paper. We mash the wood with water to make a pulp. Then we roll the pulp into thin layers. When the thin layers of the pulp dry, they become paper.
Replanting trees:
Farmers plant some forests to grow wood for timber and paper. 
Whenever they cut down a tree in one of these forests, they plant a new tree to replace it.

The books we read are usually printed on paper from replanted trees. The trees in replanted forests are usually coniferous trees that grow quickly.
Trees in tropical and deciduous forests take many years to grow.

Learn Various Facts on Forest
